Creative Blog- Creative Direction, Branding and Design Projects
Why hello there it's been a red hot minute hasn't it? I wanted to jump back in here and share some info about something super exciting! If you need assistance with your branding, visuals and the general organisation of that side of life but are working with little to no budget then I have something that might be of use to you. I have a released an onlinePDFdownloadable course! Huzzah!
So let's cut down to the basics. This is who the course if for, if this is you then definitely consider making the cheeky purchase of $35! 1. You have good ideas for your visuals and think you can tackle the branding side of things yourself but you struggle with having direction, making sure all the bases are covered and collating all your ideas to one channelled aesthetic. 2. You sometimes feel a bit stuck and overwhelmed when it comes to marketing and branding as an independent music artist because THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO. I hear you! 3. You need to work through steps in an orderly fashion with some guidance, complete with examples from other artists to get you inspired and keep you on track. If you fit these statement then my course is for you! Now, let's get into the nitty gritty. I've named the course 'CREATE YOUR UNIVERSE' because to me, that's what branding is; creating your own universe for yourself and your fans, with everything aligned and authentic to you so you not only feel excited to put music out to the world but you feel excited about doing photo shoots, making music videos and getting active on social media. It's a 20 step process. Yes I've included TWENTY STEPS to create your ultimate brand and each step makes you think about what excites you and feels authentic. It starts from the absolute basics so you can have a completely fresh start without missing out any crucial parts and then delves deep into the visuals and different components which make up your brand (or universe!). The idea is that you end up enjoying the parts that made you feel ick previously and that it's unleashed some stuff that you wouldn't have even considered before! But most of all, it'll give you guidance, structure, artist examples and get you as far as you can go alone with the branding side of things for a super low price. You're welcome, my chums! If you'd like to purchase, you can do so here Thank you for reading and happyvisualcreating my lovelies! #musicbranding #brandingcourse #createyouruniverse #musicmarketing Comments are closed.
what is this?creative challenges, see posts from
June 2021